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回答于 2019-09-11 08:43:50
回答于 2019-09-11 08:43:50
《经济学人》中国专栏 Chaguan 中有表达“翻牌”,在电视剧《延禧攻略》作者写道:
“Yanxi Palace” is a gorgeouslycostumed fantasy, filled with poisonings, betrayals and young women competing for the Forbidden City’s great prize: being bedded by the emperor. “Join the army, you might as well become a general,” as one ambitious recruit to the harem chirps. The show is driven by female characters, including a kind but sickly empress, murderous concubines and—at the heart of the 70-episode epic—Wei Yingluo, a quick-witted, justice-seeking maid, who rises to become Qianlong’s beloved consort. The formula is wildly popular, drawing 700m live-streaming views on the drama’s best single day, in August.
《延禧攻略》是一部华丽的古装片,剧中下毒情节不断,人与人互相背叛。这些年轻貌美的女子都在争抢紫禁城中的头等大奖,那就是得到皇帝的宠幸/翻牌。正如一个雄心勃勃的后宫新兵所说:“不当将军的士兵不是一个好兵。” 女主角是这部戏的重头,有善良但体弱多病的皇后,有心狠手辣的妃嫔,还有这70集剧情中的核心人物——魏璎珞,她从最初机智灵敏、追求正义的婢女最终成为乾隆心爱的皇后。这一剧情套路广受欢迎,该剧在8月份的最佳单日创下了7亿次直播量。
Stressed-out Chinese love melodrama about courtly life
1. Stressed-out [st'rest'aʊt] adj.因心理紧张而被压垮的
2. melodrama[ˈmɛləˌdrɑmə, -ˌdræmə] n.情节剧,音乐剧,传奇剧,
The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.
3. courtly[ˈkɔ:rtli] adj.谦和而有威严的
Brian was courtly and reserved.
A BIT surprisingly, one of the best things about the “Story of Yanxi Palace”, a television drama about an 18th-century emperor that has broken Chinese viewing records this year, is watching concubines being rude to eunuchs. Even lesspredictably, the particular rudeness—combining scorn, resentment and a dash of fear—offers insights into how Chinese people cope with life in today’s ruthless and unequal society. An early scene shows the Qianlong emperor’s chief eunuch, a tubby,squeaky dimwit, bustling into a silk-draped waiting-room with an order for the harem. Return to your quarters, he announces, the emperor is working late. “What? His majesty is sleeping alone again?” grumbles Noble Consort Gao, a boo-hiss villain. “Let’s go,” she tells her fellow concubines, stalking past the eunuch without a glance. “What else is there to wait for?”
1. Concubine [ˈkɑ:ŋkjubaɪn] n.妾,妃子
The emperor bestowed on her the title of imperial concubine of the highest rank. 皇帝册封她为贵妃。
2. Eunuch [ˈjunək] n.太监,宦
a political eunuch政治“阉人”
3. Predictably[prɪˈdɪktəblɪ] adv.可预见地,果不出所料地
The children were predictably fractious. 孩子们肯定会耍脾气。
4. scorn[skɔ:rn] n.轻蔑;鄙视;不屑一顾;笑柄vt.蔑视;轻视;看不起;不屑做Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn .
5. Resentment [rɪˈzɛntmənt] n.愤恨,不满
But the problems of inflation and unemployment still cause a lot of resentment.
6. Ruthless [ˈruθlɪs] adj.狠;残忍的;无情的,冷酷的
Whoever did him in removed a man who was brave as well as ruthless.
7. tubby [ˈtʌbi] adj.桶状的; 肥胖的
She was a short, tubby woman. 她是个又矮又胖的妇人。
8. squeaky [ˈskwiki] adj.吱吱响的,发轧声的
Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all. 也许这个人说到底品行并非那么完美。
9. dimwit [ˈdɪmˌwɪt] n.傻瓜
10. Draped[drep] adj. 垂褶袖;打褶形
11. harem [ˈhærəm] n.(伊斯兰教徒的)女眷;女眷居室,后宫
12. villain[ˈvɪlən] n.恶棍;(小说、戏剧等中的)反面人物;淘气鬼,
Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.
“Yanxi Palace” is a gorgeouslycostumed fantasy, filled with poisonings, betrayals and young women competing for the Forbidden City’s great prize: being bedded by the emperor. “Join the army, you might as well become a general,” as one ambitious recruit to the harem chirps. The show is driven by female characters, including a kind but sickly empress, murderous concubines and—at the heart of the 70-episode epic—Wei Yingluo, a quick-witted, justice-seeking maid, who rises to become Qianlong’s beloved consort. The formula is wildly popular, drawing 700m live-streaming views on the drama’s best single day, in August.《延禧攻略》是一部华丽的古装片,剧中下毒情节不断,人与人互相背叛。这些年轻貌美的女子都在争抢紫禁城中的头等大奖,那就是得到皇帝的宠幸/翻牌。正如一个雄心勃勃的后宫新兵所说:“不当将军的士兵不是一个好兵。” 女主角是这部戏的重头,有善良但体弱多病的皇后,有心狠手辣的妃嫔,还有这70集剧情中的核心人物——魏璎珞,她从最初机智灵敏、追求正义的婢女最终成为乾隆心爱的皇后。这一剧情套路广受欢迎,该剧在8月份的最佳单日创下了7亿次直播量。
1. gorgeously [ˈɡɔrdʒəslɪ] adv.华美地,辉煌地
gorgeous mountain scenery...秀丽的山间景色
2. costumed [ˈkɑ:stu:md] v.服装;(戏剧或电影的)戏装( costume的过去分词 )
He is costumed in a Mickey Mouse suit.
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