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大雁北飞 大雁北飞的唯美句子
雨水,枸杞,脾胃大雁北飞 大雁北飞的唯美句子
There are several parts we need to pay more attention to, they are back, abdomen and foot bottom. Warming back can prevent cold air from damaging Du meridian, the "sea of Yang vessels", to reduce the chance of cold. Warming abdomen can help prevent dyspepsia and cold diarrhea. Warming feet can keep our whole body warm.
2.每日勤梳头Combing hair every day
Head is the center of all Yang meridians with important acupoints. In spring, the Yang becomes rising upward and outward. Combing hair can promote the circulation of qi and blood, to avoid stagnation. You can use your hands as a comb to massage the whole head, 100 times per day in the morning or at night.
3.按摩腹部Massage the abdomen
Massage abdomen is good to promote digestion, remove the dampness of spleen and stomach. Lying in the bed, take navel as the center, massage on the belly by turning the palm clockwise and anticlockwise for about 50 times respectively.
From the beginning of the Rain Water, the temperature gradually rises, precipitation also gradually increased. Rain Water is also the time when "inverted cold" appears. With the increase of rainfall, the evil of cold and dampness is most likely to trouble the spleen. It is recorded in Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon that "moisture passes through the spleen". Especially for those people with spleen deficiency should pay more attention to maintenance. Zusanli(ST36) and Fenglong(ST40 )acupoints can be pressed to regulate the spleen and stomach to remove dampness.
Zusanli(ST36) and Fenglong(ST40 ) acupoint pressing: pressing 5-10 minutes each time, pressing 2-3 times a day, can regulate the spleen and stomach, remove moisture evil.
Besides above, as spring relates to the organ liver that controls the mood of anger and anxiety, people are easy to be irritated, especially for patients with high blood pressure, heart disease. Meditation, Qigong, Taichi and Yoga that can help to manage emotion are recommended.
翻译及资料整理:孙锐 党迎迎 石晗 焦媛 张若诗
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