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When choosing clothes, it needs insight.
五.补语(一) 主补:①用形容词修饰主语 He went school hungry. They came back safe and sound.
②几种结构;(1)sb/sth be said/reported/known to do(表示主补的动作与谓语的动作同时发生或一般规律的动作)to have done(表示主补的动作先于谓语的动作发生)
Eg:The temple was said to have been built in the Ming Dynasty.
Brazilian are known to play soccer well.
Eg;The missing boy was last seen playing near the river.
方法:可在句子的背后补上by people,再将句子转化为主动句,此时可知失踪的男孩在被发现的那一刻是正在河边玩的,故应用playing。
(二) 宾补:①have sb /sth do(已完成或一次动作)/done(被动,已完成)/doing(一直在做或处于某种状态)
Eg:Have you seen the ad I had the publisher put yesterday?(put是一次已完成的动作)
I will have you tacked on the wall if you keep on laughing me.
The cruel boss have the little boy working all day long.
②make等系动词/let,have+o+do/done 使…怎么样
Eg:He had to raise his voice to make himself heard clearly by others.
Let’s go,guys!
③find/see/keep等+o+ +doing(正在进行的动作或延续的动作)/done(被动态, 已完成)see+o+do(表示已完成的规律动作或短暂的)
Eg:When I was young I always saw my grandma sing.
We were frightened to find Jack being attacked by a tiger whale.
④get +o+done(已完成)/to do(尚未发生)
Eg;The workers failed to get the elephant gone,and had to call the experts to move it away.
⑤大部分动词+o+to do
Eg:He asked me to do the task.
Eg:I was made to work all day,but I felt it intresting.
Eg;My brother promised me to join the army.(双宾,参军的是我哥哥)
My brother asked me to buy him a book.(宾补,买书的是我)
六.表语(与系动词连用)1. doing:正在进行,规律,状态
2. to do:尚未发生,具体的动作
3. done:状态,被动态
Eg: My dream was to become a teacher when I grow up.
The movie was so moving that many people couldn’t help crying.
I am tired and I want to sleep now.
4.注意:当一个主语从句中有to do 而主句的表语又为to do 时,表语的to do 可以省略。
Eg:What I am going to do is leave here and return for my home .
说明:在只列出doing /to do的用法中,其被动态也可以用的。
上一篇:斤的形近字 斤加偏旁组词
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