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shyest 上海颐而晟通风设备有限公司
宁夏,葡萄酒,希腊shyest 上海颐而晟通风设备有限公司
2010年,在墨西哥待了两年之后,我选择去欧洲度Erasmus项目的研究生,同来自22个不同国家的25名同学一起,学习comparative local development, 这样的学习生活是非常多彩的,学知识的同时也可以更同学学习不同国家的文化。两年时间内我在意大利9个月,匈牙利3个月,以色列一年。
“NX Summer Camp was a wonderful experience where I met a lot of passionate people. After some time, the kids where treating me as a friend, not a foreigner: it healed a deep bruise that I got living in China and trying to get along with people that don’t see me as an equal. Having fun with those children made me feel like a child, like a person again. I highly recommend this wonderful exchange of knowledge and energy!”
2013 Culture Ambassador Rodrigo, Brazil
“Ningxia Summer Camp 2013 was a global gathering, bringing diverse professional experiences, cultures, ideas at one camp to teach, learn, and share knowledge and life with young minds with great spirits who want to make Global China an innovative, creative, cooperative China. Simply it was a wonderful learning with fun and smiling time.”
2013 Culture Ambassador Arif, Pakistan
“The camp was a very nice experience for me as a human being. The Chinese kids were amazing and asked many questions. I enjoyed teaching them and sharing my knowledge, my culture with them. In addition, I met new friends. For the first time, I met a lady from Lebanon and a gentleman from Pakistan. In the beginning I was quite worried but very quickly we became good friends. They have also never met an Israeli, so we both were very curious and asked lots of questions. Now I also have good friends from Denmark, Samoa, Australia, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. I had a chance to learn new things and it was an amazing experience!”
2014 Culture Ambassador Oded, Israel
I'm very happy I went to Ningxia for the UP! Summer Camp. I saw a little-known part of China, got away from the heat of the cities, and met some amazing kids, locals, and fellow travelers. I would say: be silly, be creative, be open, and be yourself. When volunteers try new things and act fun/silly/weird, the students slowly open up and try new things too - we even got some local parents dancing and putting on face paint! I can't fully describe the experience here - go check it out yourself! I'll come back if I am in China again!
2015 Culture Ambassador Sally, the United Sates
Last summer, in the midst of my internship in Beijing, I was sent as a volunteer for UP! for the first time to Ningxia province. I had never been to Ningxia or an away camp, but I decided to soak up new experiences. From Day 1 of camp, our fearless leader Kiki made sure that our campers knew this was summer camp not school. For most of these kids, summer camp was an entirely new experience. Calling the camp counselors something other than “foreign teacher” and “Chinese teacher” was definitely an adjustment for the students, many of which had never even seen a foreigner in real life before.
Every day was fun-filled, packed with culture and English classes as well as interest classes and other activities. In my small group, I saw the shyest girl bloom into the most talkative. In my class, I saw the most polite boy transform into the monkey king. I saw one of the Longde village girls become best friends with the city girls from Yinchuan, and I saw the socially awkward 12 year-old boy belt out Beyoncé.
Kiki’s summer camp gave each kid a chance to shine in his or her own way, whether it was singing, acting, or running. Less importantly, it gave me a chance to be a part of it. Many Chinese students rarely, if ever, get the chance to explore their passions in such a supportive environment, but this summer 60 of them blossomed because of Kiki. What Kiki Chen has done for these kids with only the help of some volunteers is really amazing, and by the end of my trip I was begging The Hutong to let me stay on for the Shangri-La camp.
2016 Culture Ambassador Margie, the United Sates
I worked with the most energetic, crazy, funny and amazing kids I could have imagined and by the end of the camp they thought me that beautiful and creative things happen when you learn to leave your expectations at the door and embrace everyday as it comes. Each and every one of them had her and his own personality, talents and quirks and it kept me busy, entertained and happy to be part of the UP! Camp.
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