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Considering Chinese is a tonal language, how are lyrics understood or sung when a song's melody defines the tone?【译】考虑到汉语是一种声调语言,当一首歌的旋律定义了音调时,歌词是如何理解或唱出来的?【单词】tonal ['tohn-l]['təʊnl] adj. 音调的;音色的;色调的【单词】lyrics 原型:lyric ['lir-ik]['lɪrɪk] n. 歌词【单词】sung 原型:sing [sing][sɪŋ] v. 唱;鸣叫;歌颂【单词】song [sawng, song][sɒŋ] n. 歌曲【单词】melody ['mel-uh-dee]['melədi] n. 旋律;曲子;曲调;美妙的音乐【单词】defines 原型:define [dih-'fahyn][dɪ'faɪn] v. 规定;限定;定义;解释【单词】tone [tohn][təʊn] n. 语气;音调;调子【专有名词】Chinese [chahy-'neez, -'nees][ˌtʃaɪ'niːz] n. 中国人;汉语;中文
It's a combination of several things:【译】这是几方面的结合:【语法】此句式为 it + be + 名词 + that从句。其中that从句为句子真正的主语,it为形式主语。如:It's a shame (that) you're sick. 真遗憾你病了。 【单词】combination [kom-buh-'ney-shuhn][ˌkɒmbɪ'neɪʃn] n. 结合;结合到一起的事物或人;密码
Context.【译】上下文。【单词】Context 原型:context ['kon-tekst]['kɒntekst] n. 上下文;环境;背景
Like most languages, you can understand the meaning of a phrase even if you don't understand every word in it, so long as you understand the overall context.【译】像大多数语言一样,你可以理解一个短语的意思,即使你不明白其中的每一个单词,只要你了解整个上下文。【词法】even if是“即使,纵然”的意思,为连词,用于引导让步状语从句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。【短语】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算让你来接管。【单词】phrase [freyz][freɪz] n. 短语;习语;措辞;[音]乐句【单词】overall ['oh-ver-awl][ˌəʊvər'ɔːl] adj. 全部的;总体的
Syntax.【译】语法。【单词】Syntax 原型:syntax ['sin-taks]['sɪntæks] n. 句法
I'm not perfectly fluent in Mandarin, so I may be a bit wrong here, but there are different ways to portray the same meaning, and the language itself gives way to a lot of word play.【译】我的普通话不是很流利,所以我在这里可能不一定对,但是有不同的方式来表达同样的意思,语言本身也让位于大量的文字游戏。【单词】perfectly ['pur-fikt-lee]['pɜːfɪktli] adv. 完全地;无瑕疵地;完整地;完美地;圆满地【单词】fluent ['floo-uhnt]['fluːənt] adj. 流利的;流畅的【单词】portray [pawr-'trey, pohr-][pɔː'treɪ] vt. 描写;描绘;饰演【专有名词】Mandarin ['man-duh-rin]['mændərɪn] n. 国语,普通话
Careful structuring of syntax allows the singer to portray the same meaning when the words are not necessarily set up in the same order you would use them in other situations.【译】仔细安排的句法结构,可以让歌手在单词的排列顺序与其他情况不同时,表达出相同的意思。【短语】not necessarily表示“未必;不一定”。如:Frustrations are not necessarily bad things in life.【单词】singer ['sing-er]['sɪŋə] n. 歌手
【单词】necessarily [nes-uh-'sair-uh-lee, -'ser-][ˌnesə'serəli] adv. 必然地;必定地;必需地
You see this a lot in certain Chinese poetry where everything is 4 characters and can portray a whole litany of ideas and thoughts.【译】你可以在某些中国诗歌中看到这一点,每个短句都是4个字,可以描绘出一系列的思维和想法。【单词】poetry ['poh-i-tree]['pəʊətri] n. 诗歌;诗意;诗集【单词】characters 原型:character ['kar-ik-ter]['kærəktə] n. 这里是“字符”的意思【单词】litany ['lit-n-ee]['lɪtəni] n. 连祷;冗长的陈述;连续
Tones + Context.【译】音调+上下文。
Chinese is definitely a tonal language, but it's not necessarily rigid.【译】汉语绝对是声调语言,但不一定是板的。【单词】definitely ['def-uh-nit-lee]['defɪnətli] adv. 肯定地;当然地;明确地【单词】rigid ['rij-id]['rɪdʒɪd] adj. 坚硬的;严格的;固执的;僵硬的;刻板的
If you listen to some Chinese rap, the tones of some words (by themselves at least) feel almost flat or different from what the lyrics says it should be.【译】如果你听一些中国说唱歌曲,有些词的音调(至少是他们自己)感觉几乎是平淡的或与歌词所说的不一样。【短语】at least 至少;例句:At least, I asked him not to. 至少,我告诉过他不要这样做。【单词】rap [rap][ræp] n.说唱音乐【单词】tones 原型:tone [tohn][təʊn] n. 语气;音调;调子【单词】least [leest][liːst] adj. 最小的;最少的 n. 最小;最少【单词】flat [flat][flæt] adj. 平坦的;扁平的;单调的;[音乐]降音的;气不足的
However, put into context of every character around it, the listener can understand the word itself and by extension the line.【译】然而,把它放在周围每个字符的上下文中,听者可以理解单词本身,并通过延伸线(周围的词)来理解单词。【单词】listener ['lis-uh-ner]['lɪsənə] n. 听者;听众【单词】extension [ik-'sten-shuhn][ɪk'stenʃn] n. 延长;伸展;延期;扩充
I suppose the closest analogy I can make to this is taking out vowels in the English language.【译】我想我能做的最接近的类比就是去掉英语中的元音。【单词】suppose [suh-'pohz][sə'pəʊz] vt. 假设;假定;认为;想;应该;让(虚拟语气) vi. 推测【单词】analogy [uh-'nal-uh-jee][ə'nælədʒi] n. 类比;相似;类似【单词】vowels 原型:vowel ['vou-uh l]['vaʊəl] n. 母音;元音
So long as some of what you are familiar with is still there, a few adjustments here and there makes no difference to your understanding.【译】只要你所熟悉的东西还在,在这里稍作调整,对你的理解就没有什么不同。【单词】familiar [fuh-'mil-yer][fə'mɪliə] adj. 熟悉的;不拘礼节的;熟知的 【单词】adjustments 原型:adjustment [uh-'juhst-muhnt][ə'dʒʌstmənt] n. 调整;调节
For Mandarin Chinese at least, each "tone" isn't actually a tone/pitch.【译】至少对普通话来说,每个“音”实际上并不是一个音调/音高。
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