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22.ought /ɔ:t/ aux.应当;应该
ought to 应当;应该(= should )
By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.
到了这个时候,他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。 (p10)
23.bacon /'beɪkən/ n.[U] 培根;熏咸肉;腊肉
He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil. 他想起了他用滚烫的精制油烹制的羊肉、牛肉和腊肉。
24. △cola /'kəulə/ n.[U]可乐饮料
25. △sugary /'ʃugərɪ/ adj.含糖的;甜的
26. sign / saɪn /n. [C] 招牌;指示牌;标记;符号[C;U]迹象;征兆
Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a new small restaurant. He saw a sign at the door. 王鹏跟着李昌来到一家新开张的小餐馆。 看见门口有一块招牌:(p10)
27. lose weight 体重减轻;减肥
Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight?“肥腻的东西吃厌了吧?想变瘦吗?(p10)
28. slim /slɪm/ vi.(靠节食等)变苗条; 减肥adj.苗条的;纤细的
slimming /ˈslɪmɪŋ/ n.[U] 减肥;减轻体重
Come inside Yong Hui’s slimming restaurant.Only slimming foods served here. 请到雍慧减肥餐馆来。此地只供应减肥食品。(p10)
29. curiosity /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti]/ n. [U] 好奇心;求知欲
Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. 王鹏受到好奇心的驱使,走了进去。(p10)
30. hostess /'həustəs/n.[C]女主人;女主持人
The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward. 店老板,一个清瘦的女人走上前。(p10)
31. raw /rɔ:/ adj.生的;未加工的
32. vinegar/'vinigə/ n.[U]醋
There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water. 菜谱上只有很少几样食物和饮料:只有米饭、蘸醋吃的生蔬菜、水果和水。(p10)
33. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚
He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!
34. lie /laɪ/ n.[C] 谎话;谎言vi.说谎(lied;lied;lying);躺;平放于;位于;(lay;lain;lying)
35. customer /ˈkʌstəmə(r)/n.[C] 顾客;消费者
Even though her customers might get thinafter eating Yong Hui’s food, they were not eating enough energy-giving food tokeep them fit.
36. discount n. /ˈdɪskaʊnt/ [C]&[U]折扣
Perhaps with a discount and a new sign hecould win his customers back. 也许写个新的标牌、打点折,能够赢回顾客吧。(p10)
37. win...back 赢回;重新获得
38. weakness/ˈwi:knəs/ n. [C] 弱点;缺点;不足
The weakness of the diet in Wang Peng’srestaurant was that it did not give enough protective food. 王鹏餐馆饮食的缺点是不能提供足够的保健食品。(p11)
39. strength/streŋθ/ n.[C]优势;强项;长处(反义词weakness)[U] 体力;力气;力量
The strength of the diet in Wang Peng’srestaurant was that it provided plenty of energy-giving food. 王鹏餐馆饮食的优点是能够提供充足的富含能量的食品。(p11)
40. consult /kənˈsʌlt/vt.咨询;请教;商量
However, as she was so afraid of beinglaughed at by her friends, she did not consult a doctor but lived on a diet ofrice, raw vegetables, bananas and lemons. 然而,因为她怕被朋友嘲笑,她不是去咨询医生,而是以米饭、生的蔬菜、香蕉和柠檬为主食。(p12)
41. fibre /'faɪbə/ n.[C]&[U] 纤维;纤维制品
a high/low-fibre diet纤维素含量高 / 低的饮食
42. digest vt.& vi. /daɪˈdʒest; dɪˈdʒest/ 消化; 吸收
Well, you have to eat food with plenty offibre that helps you digest better.
43. △poisonous /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ adj.有毒的
You are sick because you’ve eaten poisonousmushrooms.
44. carrot /'kærət/n.[C] 胡萝卜; 好处; 甜头
Eating carrots ought to help you seebetter. 吃胡萝卜应该能让你看的更清楚一些。(p13)
45. △ obesity /əʊ'bi:sətɪ/ n.[U]过度肥胖; 肥胖症
46. △vitamin /'vɪtəmɪn/ n.[C]维生素; 维他命
47. △protein /'prəuti:n/ n.[C]&[U]蛋白质
48. earn one'sliving 谋生(= make one's living)
Perhaps he would be able to earn his livingafter all and not have to close his restaurant.
49. debt /det/ n.[C]&[U]债;债务
in debt 负债
He did not look forward to being in debtbecause his restaurant was no longer popular. 他不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。(p14)
50. glare /gleə(r)/vi.怒目而视;闪耀n. [C]怒视;[U]炫目的光
She did not look happy but glared at him. 雍慧瞪着他,看上去不高兴。(p14)
51. spy /spaɪ/ vi.&vt.(spies, spied, spied, spying) 窥探;从事间谍活动; 突然看见;n. [C] 间谍;密探
spy on v. 侦查; 暗中监视
“I thought you were a new customer and nowI know that you only came to spy on me and my menu," she shouted. 我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。” 她大声问道。(p14)
52. limit /' lɪmɪt / vt.限制;限定 n.[C] n. 限制;限度; 界限; 极限
limited /' lɪmɪtɪd / adj.有限的
I don' t want to upset you, but I foundyour menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising thebenefits of my food. 我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。(p14)
53. benefit /' benɪfɪt/n. [C]&[U] 利益;好处;益处vt.&vi.有益于;有助于;受益
54. breast /brest/n.[C]胸部;乳房;[C]&[U](鸟或动物的)胸脯肉
Yong Hui agreed to stay and soon they wereboth enjoying dumplings and breast of chicken cooked with garlic. 雍慧同意留下来。没过一会,他们两人就津津有味地吃起饺子和蒜蓉鸡胸。(p14)
55. garlic /' gɑ:lɪk / n.[U]大蒜
56. sigh /saɪ / vi.叹气;叹息n.[C]叹息;叹息声
Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate ofdumplings so he sighed. " Yes," he added," and I would miss mydumplings and fatty pork. Don't you get tired quickly?" 这时候,王鹏正在吃第二盘饺子,他叹了一口气,说道,“同样地,(如果在你的餐馆)我还想吃我的饺子和肥肉呢。你不觉得自己很容易疲乏么?” (p15)
57. combine / kəm'baɪn / vt.(使)联合;(使)结合
Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas andprovide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre. "
也许我们应该把我们的想法结合起来,做出一份富有热量和纤维的均衡食谱。” (p15)
58. cut down 削减;减少;砍倒(树木)
In this way they cut down the fat and increasedthe fibre in the meal. 这样,他们减少了饭菜中脂肪的含量,增加了纤维素。(p15)
59. before long 不久以后;很快
Their balanced diets became such a successthat before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight. 他们的平衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而雍慧却胖了。
60. △cooperation /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ n.[U]合作;协作
61. △ingredient / ɪnˈgri:diənt/ n.[C] 成分;(尤指烹饪)原料
62. △ flavour /'fleɪvə/ n.[C]&[U] 味道;风味;特色
Book3 Unit 3
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