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涂善东,男,1961年11月出生于福建省永定县。博士、教授、 国家杰出青年基金获得者(2002),中国机械工程学会压力容器分会荣誉理事长、材料分会荣誉理事长,诺丁汉大学荣誉教授,中国工程院院士。2006年6月迄今担任华东理工大学副校长。
1990年-1993年受邀担任瑞典皇家理工学院客席科学家(Guest scientist)。
1998年6月-12月韩国中央大学访问教授(Brain pool scholar)。
兼任国际压力容器学会亚太地区委员、国际机构学与机器科学联合会(IFToMM)可靠性委员会委员、中国机械工程学会压力容器学会荣誉理事长、材料学会理事长;他还担任了J Applied Energy, Int J of Pres Ves and Piping, J of Materials Science & Technology, Frontier of Mechanical Engineering in China, Advances in Mechanical Engineering、压力容器、机械工程材料等期刊、机械强度、功能材料及器件学报等期刊编委。
1. Yu XH, Tu ST, Wang ZD, Qi YS, On-board production of hydrogen for fuel cells over Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst coating in a micro-channel reactor, Journal of Power Sources, xxx (2005) xxxu2013xxx
2. Tu ST and Xuan FZ, Some Fundamental Aspects of High Temperature Defect Assessment, Key Eng Mater, 2005, 297-300: 428-437
3. Cai W Z, Tu S.T., Thermal Conductivity of PTFE Composites with Three-dimensional Randomly Distributed Fillers, J. Themoplastics Composite Materials, 2005, 18: 241-253
4. Tu, S.T., Cai, W.Z., Yin, Y., Ling, X. Numerical simulation of saturation behavior of physical properties in composites with randomly distributed second-phase, Journal of Composite Materials, 2005; 39: 617-631
5. Luan WL, Tu ST, Recent Development of Thermoelectric Generation, Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(12), 1-8, 2004
6. Chen J.J. and Tu S.T. Creep Fracture Parameters of Functionally Graded Coating, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2004, 27(6): 805-812
7. Xuan FZ, Tu ST, Wang ZD and Ma CW, Evaluation of the Time-Dependent Failure Assessment Curves for 10CrMo910 and 316 SS at 550°C, Acta Metall. Sinica, 2004, 17(4): 443-449
8. Ma CW, Xuan FZ, Wang ZD and TU ST, Isochronous Sstress-strain Curves of Low Alloy Steel Cross Weld Specimen at High Temperature, Acta Metall. Sinica, 2004, 17(4): 612-617
9. Gong J.M., Jiang Y. and Tu S.T., High Temperature Performances of Dissimilar Welded Joints with Nickel based and Austenitic Weld Metal, Acta Metall. Sinica, 2004, 17(4): 560-568
10. Tu S.T., Segle P. and Gong J.M., Creep Damage and Fracture of Weldments at High Temperature, Int. J. Pres Ves and Piping, 2004, 81(2): 199-209
11. Tu S.T., Wang Z.D. and Chen J.J., Structural weakness spotting for life extension repair of high temperature components, Restoration, Recycling and Rejuvenation Technology for Engineering and Architecture Application, Eds G C Sih and L Nobile, Rome: Aracne, 2004, pp.23-36
12. Xuan, F.Z., Li, P.N. and Tu, S.-T., Plastic Limit Load of Welded Piping Branch Junctions under Internal Pressure, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2003, 224: 1u20139
13. Tu S.T. and Ling X., Interpretation of Damage Mechancis Behaviour of Two-Bar Structures for Life Extension of High Temperature Components, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2003, 35(2): 125-132
14. Sih G C, Tu S T. Why, where and when it becomes necessary to consider chemical reaction effect in mechanics. Structural Integrity and Materials Ageing, eds Sih G C, Tu S T, Wang Z D. Shanghai: ECUST press, 2003, 1-18
15. Tu S.T., Gong J.M., Ling X. & He X.Y., Measurement of Local Creep Deformation In Cross-Weld Specimen By Optical Fiber Marking and Remote Monitoring, ASME Trans. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, February 2002, 124: 54-58
16. Ling X. & Tu S.-T., Measurement of Creep Damage by Natural Frequency Method (NFM), Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2002, 30(3): 251-254
17. Yin Y. & Tu S. u2013T., Thermal Conductivities of PTFE Composites with Randomly Distributed Graphite Particles, Int. J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2002, 21(18) : 1619-1628
18. Tu S.-T.,Creep behavior of crack near bi-material interface characterized by integral parameters,J. Theoretical and Appl. Fracture Mechanics, 2002, 38: 203-209
19. Tu S.-T., and Luo N., Prediction Centered Equipment Management System Based On Web Technology, WWW Tech in China, ed. Z-Z Shi, and W. Song, Rinton Press New York, Dec 2002
20. Tu, S.-T., Luo, N., Xuan, F.Z. and Gong, J.M., Remote Monitoring of Structural Integrity at High Temperature, Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment: Needs and Provisions, EMAS Publications, Sheffield, 2002, 73-82
21. Zhou, C. Y. and Tu S.T., 2001, A stochastic computation model for the creep damage of furnace tube, Int. J. Pres. Ves. & Piping, 2001, 78(9): 617-625
22. Tu S.-T., Gong J.M., Ling X. & He X.Y., Long Term Measurement of Local Creep Deformation by Optical Fiber Marking and Remote Monitoring, Nontraditional Methods of Sensing Stress, Strains, and Damage in Materials and Structures: Second Volume, ASTM STP 1323, West Conshohocken: ASTM, 2001, 184-192
23. Tu S.T., Yoon K.B. and Gong J.M., The Influence of Material Mismatch of Weld on the Evaluation of High Temperature Fracture Mechanics Parameters, Key Engineering Materials, 2000, 171-174: 51-60
24. Ling X. and Tu S.T., Application of Runge-Kutta-Manson Algorithm for Creep Damage Analysis, Int. J. Pres. Ves. & Piping, 2000, 77(5): 243-248
25. Ling, X., Tu S.-T., & Gong, J.-M. Damage Mechanics Considerations For Life Extension of High Temperature Components, ASME Trans. J. Pres. Ves. Tech., 2000, 122: 174-179
26. Gong, J. M., Tu, S. T. and Ling X., Research of welding effect on creep damage of high temperature furnace tubes. Key Engineering Materials, 2000, 171-174: 189-196
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