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十月的英文(双语新闻播报(November 2))
菲律宾,国家统计局,学生们十月的英文(双语新闻播报(November 2))
> Q1-Q3 recovery backed by online sales
Live streamer Tan Jiajia (R) promotes and sells local agricultural specialties via livestreaming at an online platform in Tongliang district of Southwest China's Chongqing municipality, Sept 2, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]
China's consumption market saw steady recovery in the first three quarters, with online sales driving growth and providing economic momentum.
In the January-September period, the contribution of consumption to economic growth reached 41.3 percent, driving GDP growth by 1.2 percentage points.
In the third quarter, China's final consumption expenditure contributed 52.4 percent to economic growth, driving GDP growth by 2.1 percentage points, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.
In the first nine months, online sales increased steadily and reached 9.59 trillion yuan, up 4 percent year-on-year. 统计局数据显示,1至9月份,全国网上零售额稳步增长,达到近9.59万亿元,同比增长4.0%。
Among them, online retail sales of physical goods reached 8.24 trillion yuan, up 6.1 percent year-on-year.
"E-commerce has further demonstrated its role in driving consumption growth. Retail business at brick-and-mortar stores has also gradually improved, and sales of basic necessities have seen booming growth. In addition, demand for green consumption has continued to grow, and sales in rural markets recovered well," said Dong Lihua, director of the NBS’ trade and economic department.
In September, the number increased by 2.5 percent year-on-year, which was 2.9 percentage points lower than the growth rate in August.
In the January-September period, total retail sales of consumer goods totaled 32.03 trillion yuan, up 0.7 percent year-on-year, reversing the downward trend in the first half, when the number fell 0.7 percent year-on-year.
With the upcoming Singles Day shopping festival culminating on Nov 11, e-commerce shopping is expected to further drive consumption growth. 随着即将到来的双十一购物节在11月11日达到高潮,线上消费有望进一步推动消费增长。
"Due to the pandemic, e-commerce shopping through channels such as livestreaming sessions and group purchases have served as important platforms, and online shopping has become a new engine to drive consumption growth," said Hou Yunchun, president of the China Enterprise Evaluation Association.
> 'Anti-cheating' hats go viral
Images of students wearing so-called "anti-cheating hats" during college exams have gone viral on social media in the Philippines, sparking amusement. 菲律宾大学生在考试中头戴“防作弊帽”的照片在社交媒体上走红,引人发笑。
Students at one college in Legazpi City were asked to wear headgear that would keep them from peeking at others' papers.
Many responded by creating homemade contraptions out of cardboard, egg boxes and other recycled materials.
Their tutor told the BBC she had been looking for a "fun way" to ensure "integrity and honesty" in her classes.
Mary Joy Mandane-Ortiz, a professor of mechanical engineering at Bicol University College of Engineering, said the idea had been "really effective". 比科尔大学工程学院机械工程教授玛丽•乔伊•曼丹•奥尔蒂斯称,这个做法“非常有效”。
It was implemented for mid-term exams which were sat by hundreds of students at the college in the third week of October.
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her initial request had been for students to make a "simple" design out of paper.
She was inspired by a technique reportedly used in Thailand some years previously.
Mandane-Ortiz said her engineers-in-training took the idea and ran with it - in some cases designing complex headgear in "just five minutes" using any junk they found lying around.
Others donned hats, helmets or Halloween masks to fulfil the brief.
A string of the professor's Facebook posts - showing the youngsters wearing their elaborate creations - garnered thousands of likes in a matter of days and attracted coverage from Filipino media outlets.
They also reportedly inspired schools and universities in other parts of the country to encourage their own students to put together anti-cheating headwear. 据报道,他们还呼吁菲律宾其他地区的院校鼓励学生佩戴“防作弊头饰”。
Prof Mandane-Ortiz said her tutees performed better this year, having been motivated by the strict examination conditions to study extra hard.
Many of them finished their tests early, she added - and nobody was caught cheating.
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