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Research Areas:China-West Africa politic science, economic and social development, publicadministration, education, literature and culture, etc.; China-West Africaeconomic and trade cooperation; China-West Africa intergovernmental relations.
3. Mission and Goals
The Center for West AfricanStudies, together with five member institutions of universities in Ghana, UESTCAlumni in West Africa for West African Studies, and the Ghana Chinese Chamberof Commerce, strives to create a "1 1 1" new research model ofChina-Africa cooperation, which integrates a Talent Training Base, an Academic ExchangePlatform and a Think Tank for West African studies. It aims to:
(1) To serve as aTalent Training Base. The Center helps to expandthe source of international students from West Africa and enrich themulti-level international student training system of UESTC for undergraduate,master, and doctor. Also, it carries out overseas cadre training, teachertraining, customized ICT and engineering training, and summer practice programsfor students in West Africa, and devotes itself to building a diversified anddistinctive overseas talent training base which integrates academic education,on-the-job training and practical training, and cultivates local talents forChinese enterprises to address economic and social development problems.
(2) To build an AcademicExchange Platform.Through regularly holdinginternational academic conferences such as Forum on West African Studies,organizing China-Africa Friendship—Academic—Culture Exchanges Month, andpromoting overseas exhibitions of 3D platforms for cultural resources andChina-West Africa International Industry-Academia-Research Cooperation Project,the Center is committed to building a platform for China-Africa exchanges andcooperations in various fields such as academics, humanities, science andtechnology, and enhancing the influence and cultural soft power of Chineseuniversities and enterprises in Africa.
(3) To establish a ThinkTank for West African studies.The Center iscommitted to research on economic, political, and humanistic exchanges in WestAfrica by utilizing the disciplinary strengths and featured research of itsmembers both in China and abroad. It works to strengthen cooperations with WestAfrican think tanks such as the Imani Center for Policy Education (ranked 113in global think tanks) and the Institute for Statistics, Social and EconomicResearch (ranked 164 in global think tanks) as part of efforts to enhance jointresearch, and collectively publish and undertake research projects on WestAfrican studies. The Center also aims to propose policy advice to the Chinesegovernment and West African countries, provide high-level think tank services forChina in fields covering talent training, science and technology services,economic and business management, and public and political governance. And, italso strives to become an influential think tank center for West Africanstudies.
West AfricanMembers:
University ofGhana(UG),University of Cape Coast(UCC),Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Universityof Education, Winneba(UEW),University of DevelopmentStudies(UDS),West African Alumni Association.
UESTC Members:
School of PublicAffairs and Administration, School of Management and Economics,School of Foreign Languages,School ofInternational Education,School of Marxism,Office of Scientific Research & Development, School ofMechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of Information and SoftwareEngineering.
5.Websites andWechat Official Account
Chinese Website:https://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/sy.htm
English Website:https://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/English/Home.htm
Wechat OfficialAccount:gh_bfde9ecc926a
6.Contact Us
Address:Office 450, Center for West AfricanStudies, Qingshuihe Campus, University of Electronic Science and Technology ofChina, No. 2006, Xiyuan Avenue, High-Tech Zone (West District), Chengdu, China.