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overhaul是什么意思(overhaul school education什么意思)
介词,副词,意思overhaul是什么意思(overhaul school education什么意思)
modify mend refurbish overhaul 的区别
examine repair overhaul reconmend
mend通常指较简单的修复过程 一般不需要专门技术或特殊工具repair一般指需要较高的职业技能和使用较复杂的工具进行修理fix就是安装修理的意思 不过是指修比较简单的日常工具(如自行车)overhaul大体是整改改革的意思 但是比较正规的词 不常用
adj.分开的, 分离的, 个别的, 单独的v.分开, 隔离, 分散, 分别当然你说的这个使动意思也有:Separate applies both to putting apart and to keeping apart (指放置为相隔的和保持相隔的)
中文:n.工装裤;罩衫adj.全部的;全体的;一切在内的adv.全部地;总的说来英语中over的用法如下:一、介词over作“在……上方”、“在……上”(有覆盖、遮蔽之意)解:1. The sun shines over the earth. 太阳照耀与地球上。2. There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。3. The weight of the air over one square foot of the earth at sea level is 2160 ponds. 地球海平面每平方英尺上方的空气总重为2160磅。4. A cloud hangs over the summit. 一块云彩遮住了山顶。5. Spread the tablecloth over the table. 把桌布铺在桌上。二、介词over作“超过”、“在……上”解:1. He has lived in Beijing over two years. 他在北京已住了二年以上。2. It is over and above what is wanted. 这已超过需要量。3. This method has an advantage over that one. 这种方法比那种优越。(advantage原意是优点。)4. In 1958 the steel output registered a 100 percent increase over 1957. 1958年钢总产量比1957年增加100%。5. The production of hardware has been increased over three times. 五金制品的产量增长了两倍多。三、介词over作“通过”、“越过”、“溢出”解:1. I heard the news over the radio. 我通过无线电听到这条消息。2. This machine ran over night. 这台机器通宵运转了。3. The soldiers got over the wall and jumped over the brook. 战士们越过墙,跳过小溪。4. The gas is dried over the desiccant. 气体通过干燥剂而被干燥。5. He had just come from over the sea. (over介词短语作介词from的宾语。)他刚从海外回来。6. A river once flew over its banks. 河水一度溢出河岸。四、介词over作“遍及”解:1. The fog spreads over the town. 雾遍全城。2. The mud was splashed over their clothes. 泥溅满了他们的衣服。五、介词over作“对于”、“关于”(有支配、监督、保护、控制等含义)解:1. There will be much discussion over this problem. 对于这个问题将有不少讨论。2. We are talking over our production plan with them. 我们正同他们谈论有关我们的生产计划。(有“关于”含义)3. He watches over a laboratory. 他照看一个实验室。(有“保护”含义。)4. His suggestion has a great influence over(或on) us. 他的建议对我们有重大的影响。(有“支配”含义。)六、副词over作表语,作“完了”、“结束”解:1. The test is over. 这个试验结束了。2. The struggle was not yet over. 斗争还没有结束。七、副词over作“多余”、“过度”、“太”解:1. I gave you two glasses and had three glasses over. 我给了你两个玻璃杯,还余下三个玻璃杯。2. Five goes into eight once with three over. 五除八得一余三。3. How much is left over? 剩下多少?4. That is not over well. 那不太好。八、副词over作“越过”、“出”解:1. Come over andsee us next week. 下星期过来看我们吧。2. He will go(或sail, fly)over to Japan. 他将出发(渡海、飞)到日本去。3. The milk boiled over. 牛奶煮开溢出来了。九、副词over作“遍满”、“全部地”解:1. He read this book over. 他通读了这本书。2. The river is frozen over. 这条河全部结了冰。十、副词over作“重复地”、“再一次”解:1. I did this experiment three times over. 这个实验我重复做了三次。2. This test must be done over (again). 这项试验必须重作一次。
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