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International option: 国际历史International history, 1870–1945
✓帝国与世界列强的出现,1870-1919 Empire and the emergence of world powers
✓1920年代的国际联盟和国际关系 The League of Nations and international relations
Empire and the emergence of world powers
为什么帝国主义是 19 世纪晚期欧洲的一支重要力量?Why was imperialism a significant force for late nineteenth-century Europe?
• Economic and political motives for imperial expansion
• The emergence of ‘New imperialism’
• Nature and purpose of the ‘Scramble for Africa’
• Reasons for and extent of domestic support for overseas expansion in Britain, France and Germany
• 帝国扩张的经济和政治动机
• “新帝国主义”的出现
• “争夺非洲”的质和目的
• 国内支持英法德海外扩张的原因及程度
帝国扩张对国际关系有何影响?What was the impact of imperial expansion on international relations?
• Impact of growth of overseas empires on relations between European nations
• Disputes with China over imperial expansion, the Boxer Rebellion
• Tension between Britain and Germany over South Africa
• Attempts to resolve tensions between imperial nations, the Berlin Conference (1884–85)
• 海外帝国的发展对欧洲国家关系的影响
• 与中国就帝国扩张、义和团运动的争端
• 英国和德国在南非问题上的紧张关系
• 试图解决帝国国家之间的紧张关系,柏林会议(1884-85 年)
日本为何崛起为世界强国,对国际关系有何影响?Why did Japan emerge as a world power and what was the impact on international relations?
• Reasons for rapid modernisation and military development
• International recognition of Japan as a world power, wars with China (1894–95) and Russia (1905), treaty with Britain (1902)
• Japan’s role in the First World War and global position by 1918
• 快速现代化和军事发展的原因
• 国际承认日本为世界大国,与中国(1894-95 年)和俄罗斯(1905 年)开战,与英国签订条约(1902 年)
• 日本在第一次世界大战中的角色和到 1918 年的全球地位
美国为何崛起为世界强国,对国际关系有何影响?Why did the USA emerge as a world power and what was the impact on international relations?
• Impact of the closing of the frontier on US foreign policy
• Economic growth and the need for trade in the late nineteenth century
• Reasons for, and impact of, the Spanish–American War (1898)
• Reasons for, and impact of, the USA’s entry into the First World War
• 关闭边境对美国外交政策的影响
• 19 世纪后期的经济增长和贸易需求
• 美西战争(1898 年)的原因和影响
• 美国参加第一次世界大战的原因和影响
The League of Nations and international relations in the 1920s
为什么对 1919-20 年的和平解决方案感到不满?Why was there dissatisfaction with the peace settlements of 1919–20?
• Key terms and implications of the peace treaties (Versailles, Trianon, Neuilly, Saint Germain, Sèvres)
• Reparations
• Reactions of victors and defeated powers
• Problems in ‘successor states’ created by the post-war settlements
• 和平条约的关键条款和影响(凡尔赛、特里亚农、纳伊、圣日耳曼、塞夫尔)
• 赔偿
• 胜利者和失败者的反应
• 战后定居点造成的“继承国”问题
在 1920 年至 1923 年期间,国际紧张局势如何以及为何仍居高不下?How and why did international tensions remain high in the period between 1920 and 1923?
• Crises and tensions, e.g. the Ruhr Crisis; Corfu Incident; German hyperinflation
• Aims and impact of international treaties and conferences: Washington Conference (1921–22); Genoa Conference (1922); Rapallo Pact (1922); Treaty of Lausanne (1923);
• Changing relations between the major powers: Britain, France, Germany, the USSR and USA
• 危机和紧张局势,例如鲁尔危机;科孚岛事件;德国恶通货膨胀
• 国际条约和会议的目标和影响:华盛顿会议(1921-22);热那亚会议(1922 年);拉帕洛条约(1922);洛桑条约(1923);
• 改变主要大国之间的关系:英国、法国、德国、苏联和美国
1924-29 年间改善国际关系的尝试有多成功?How successful were attempts to improve international relations from 1924–29?
• Economic recovery and improved relations
• Aims and impact of international treaties and conferences: Dawes Plan (1924); Locarno Treaties (1925); Kellogg–Briand (1928), Young Plan (1929)
• Changing relations between the major powers: Britain, France, Germany, the USSR and USA
• 经济复苏和改善关系
• 国际条约和会议的目标和影响:道斯计划(1924 年);洛迦诺条约(1925 年); Kellogg–Briand (1928), 杨计划 (1929)
• 改变主要大国之间的关系:英国、法国、德国、苏联和美国
国际联盟在 1920 年代有多成功?How successful was the League of Nations during the 1920s?
• Aims, membership and structure of the League
• Collective security and the League’s involvement in the resolution of disputes, e.g. Aaland Islands, Vilna, Upper Silesia
• Weaknesses of the League
• Role and impact of the Agencies
• 联盟的目标、成员和结构
• 集体安全和联盟参与解决争端,例如:奥兰群岛,维尔纳,上西里西亚
• 联盟的弱点
• 机构的作用和影响
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