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⑨finish [ˈfiniʃ] v.完成结束
⑩tonight [təˈnait] n.今晚
189. It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.你能和我们分享这些可口的海鲜,真是太慷慨了。作为回报,我们送你一些海外的糖果。
①generous [ˈdʒenərəs] a.慷慨的;宽厚的
②share [ʃeə] v.分享,分担;分配
③delicious [diˈliʃəs] a.美味的,芬芳的
④seafood [ˈsi:ˌfu:d] n. 海产食品, 海味
⑤in return 作为回报,作为报答;反过来
⑥send [send] vt.送,寄;派遣,打发;发送
⑦foreign [ˈfɔrin] a.外国的;对外的
⑧sweet [swi:t] a.甜的;可爱的 n.[ pl.]糖果
190. Before she threw these useless files into the litter bin, the secretary took the pins away for the future use.在把无用的文件扔进废纸箱以前,这位秘书拿走了上面的别针以便以后使用。
①throw [θrəu] vt.扔;使突然陷入;使困惑
②useless [ˈju:sləs] a.无用的,无价值的,无效的
③file [fail] n.档案;文件夹
④litter [ˈlitə] n.废弃物;一窝;杂乱的东西 v.乱扔东西
⑤bin [bin] n.垃圾箱
⑥secretary [ˈsekrətəri] n.秘书;;部长,大臣
⑦pin [ˈpin] n.别针;徽(像)章;钉子
⑧future [ˈfju:tʃə] a.将来的 n.将来,未来
191. It is a pity that all the tickets for the airline from Beijing to Shanghai have been sold out .很遗憾所有从北京到上海的机票都卖完了。
①pity [ˈpiti] n.同情,怜悯;遗憾 vt.同情,怜悯
②ticket [ˈtikit] n.票,车票
③airline [ˈɛəlain] n. 航线; 最短距离; 航空公司
④sell [sel] v.卖,出售,推销 sell out 售完,脱销
192. She was a bit sad when she read the headline of the newspaper.当他读了报纸的把标题后,有点悲伤。
①a bit 多少,有点儿
②sad [sæd] adj. 悲哀的; 糟透了的; 令人悲痛的
③headline [ˈhedlain] n.大字标题;[ pl.]新闻提要
④newspaper [ˈnju:sˌpeipə] n.报纸
193. As a top student, you should feel a deep sense of shame for you haven’t handed in your homework for several days.作为一名优等生,你应该为几天没上交作业感到羞耻。
①top [tɔp] n.顶;上部 a.最高的
②feel [fi:l] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉 vt.摸;认为
③deep [di:p] a.深(厚,切,刻,奥)的 adv.深深地,在深处
④sense [sens] n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思 vt.觉得
a sense of ……感(例:a sense of humor 幽默感)
⑤shame [ʃeim] n.羞耻;可惜 vt.使丢脸
⑥hand [hænd] vt.交,递 hand in 上交
194. The mother had lay the table and hoped that his son would knock at the door as soon as possible.这位母亲已经布置好了餐桌,希望他的儿子尽快敲门。
①lay [lei] v.置放;铺;产(蛋,卵);设置
②table [ˈteibəl] n.桌(台)子;表格
③knock [nɔk] V./n.敲,打;碰撞,撞击
knock at the door 敲门
195. Finally the scientist not only discovered a new disease but also invented new medicine against it.最后,这名科学家不仅发现了一种新型疾病,而且还发明了新药来治它。
①finally [ˈfainəli] ad.最后,终于
②discover [disˈkʌvə] vt.发现,找到,发觉
③disease [diˈzi:z] n.病,疾病
④invent [inˈvent] vt.发明,创造
⑤medicine [ˈmedisin] n.内服药;医学
⑥against [a·geinst] prep. 相反; 逆着; 反对
196. Even in his fifties, the old man still keeps getting up early and having a walk for one hour in order to keep fit.甚至在他50几岁时,这位老人仍坚持早起,慢走一个小时以保持健康。
①in sb’s + 整十位基数词的复数形式(≥20) 在某人几十多岁的时候
②keep [ki:p] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止
keep doing sth 不停的做……
③get up 起床
④early [ˈə:li] a.早(期)的,在前的
⑤have a walk 散散步
⑥in order to do sth 为了(做某事)
⑦keep fit 保持健康
⑥lamp [læmp] n.灯
⑦pear [pɛə] n.梨(树)
183. Although I had read the book several times, I still failed to understand its title.虽然我已经把这篇文章读了几遍,但我仍无法理解他的标题。
①several [ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个
several times 若干次
②fail [feil] vi.失败;失灵 vt.没有通过 fail to do sth 做……失败
③understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到
④title [ˈtaitl] n.题目;称号,头衔
184. The weather throughout the world becomes more changeable so the scientist decided to adopt new ways to forecast it.全世界的天气都变化多端,所以科学家决定采取新的方法来预报。
①weather [ˈweðə] n.天气,气象
②throughout [θru(:)ˈaut] prep.遍及;贯穿 ad.到处;自始至终
③become [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得
④changeable [ˈtʃeindʒəbəl] a.易变的;可换的
⑤adopt [əˈdɔpt] vt.收养;采取(纳,用);
⑥way [wei] n.方法;路
⑦forecast [ˈfɔ:kɑ:st] n./vt.预测,预报
185. The river is not only wide but also about eight kilometers in length so you can always see a lot of boats on it.这条河不仅宽而且有 8000米长,所以你总能看见许多小船在河上。
①river [ˈrivə] n.河,江,川
②not only … but also … 不仅……,而且……
③wide [waid] a.宽阔的;广泛的
④kilometer [ˈkiləˌmi:tə] n.千米,公里
⑤length [leŋθ] n.长,长度,距离
⑥boat [bəut] n.船,小船
186. You will certainly go mad if you continue to work in such a noisy place.如果你继续在如此喧嚣的环境中工作,你一定会疯掉的。
①certainly [ˈsə:tənli] ad.必定,一定;当然
②mad [mæd] a.疯的;恼火的;狂热的 go mad 发疯
③continue [kənˈtinju:] v.继续,延续
④noisy [ˈnɔizi] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的
187. The net was broken so the wild animal must have escaped from the hole on the net .由于网破了,野生动物肯定从这张网的洞里逃走了。
①broken ['brəʊkən] adj. 坏掉的, 断掉的, 打破的
②wild [waild] a.野生的;荒凉的;狂热的;野蛮的
③must have + V过去分词 表示对过去事实的推测
④escape [iˈskeip] vi.逃跑;逸出 vt.逃避,避开
⑤hole [həul] n.洞,孔眼,洞穴
⑥net [net] n.网(状系统)
188. As the saying goes, “Strike the iron while it is hot.” Since you have left the last step of the task, why not finish it tonight?既然你还剩下任务的最后一步,为什么不在今晚完成他呢。
①saying ['seɪɪŋ] n. 说话, 发表言论; 格言, 谚语, 警句
②strike [straik] v./ n.罢工;袭击;打;折磨
③iron [ˈaiən] n.铁;烙铁,熨斗
④leave [li:v] v.出发;离开;留下
⑤last [lɑ:st] a.刚过去的;最后的
⑥step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶 vi.行走;踏上
⑦task [tɑ:sk] n.任务,工作,作业
⑧Why not + V原 = Why don’t you + V原 为什么不(做……)
⑨finish [ˈfiniʃ] v.完成结束
⑩tonight [təˈnait] n.今晚
189. It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.你能和我们分享这些可口的海鲜,真是太慷慨了。作为回报,我们送你一些海外的糖果。
①generous [ˈdʒenərəs] a.慷慨的;宽厚的
②share [ʃeə] v.分享,分担;分配
③delicious [diˈliʃəs] a.美味的,芬芳的
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