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同学们请先读一读这篇故事,看有多少单词是您的拦路虎,然后再看译文和后边的单词,希望您多读几遍,收获一定多多哟!第一关读故事找生词Never Take a RiskIt had been a slaughter. In a meaningless battle in the slums where they lived, the gang leader had slit the throat of a boy he thought was too slick. Knowing the leader’s slogan to be “never take a risk”, the younger members were dissatisfied.As a small group of them smuggled his body out in the night at a snail’s pace, the redhead who spoke with a slur snarled that he was leaving the gang. The others knew it wouldn’t be easy. First they would have to slay their leader, after talking about it, they decided to smother their leader the next night as he was sleeping on the slate he called a bed.Slumping together to the ground because of the weight of the dead boy, the redhead said he wanted a snack. No one else was hungry except for the new girl who was wearing red slippers. She had been found all alone on the sly the week before. As they smacked their lips on the chocolate that was now also smeared over their faces the redhead looked slyly at her and said that with him the new leader there would be a slot for a new queen. She smiled back and said she was available as she reached down to pick up the sling they were using to carry the dead boy. That was the signal and they all grouped together to carry the boy on their backs as if they were snails.But as the smog fell on their slum in the afternoon of the next day two more bodies were found. Someone had alerted the boss and the redhead and the girl with red slippers were also dead. “Never take a risk”, the leader muttered. And everyone knew there would never be a new leader of this gang.
译文——千万不要冒险那是一次屠杀。在他们居住的贫民窟进行的那场毫无意义的战斗中,黑帮老大把一个他认为太圆滑的男孩的喉咙切断了。由于知道老大的口号是“千万不要冒险”,年轻成员们都心怀不满。晚上一小群人把他的尸体以极慢的速度偷偷地弄了出来,说话有点含糊不清的红发人咆哮着说他要离开这个黑帮。其他人知道不会那么容易说走就走,他们首先宰了他们的老大。一阵商量之后,他们决定第二天晚上趁他称作床的石板上睡觉的时候把他闷。由于男孩的尸体太重,大伙儿一起突然倒下 了。红发人说他想吃个快餐,其他人都不觉得饿,除了那个新来的穿着红拖鞋的女孩。上一个星期有人发现她偷偷地一个人在干着什么。在他们咂着嘴吃巧克力并且满脸都被巧克力弄脏的时候,红发人狡诈地看着她说如果他来做老大,就会有一个位置给新王后。她也笑了笑,一边弯腰去捡他们用来抬男孩尸体的索,一边说他可以去找她。那是他们的信号,大家一齐把男孩背在了背上,就好像他们是些蜗牛。但是第二天下午当烟雾笼罩着贫民窟的时候,他们又发现了两具尸体。有人通知了老大,红发人和穿红拖鞋的女孩也被干掉了。“千万不要冒险”,老大小声说道。每个人都知道这个黑帮决不会有新老大。
第二关背单词slaten.1.板岩,页岩2.石板,石板瓦3.石板色,暗蓝灰色4.候选人名单vt.1.提名,将……列入候选人名单2.预定,规划slaughtervt./n.1.屠杀,杀戮2.屠宰slayv.杀,宰杀,杀戮slicka.1.圆滑的,口齿伶俐的2.精巧的,巧妙地,灵巧的slingvt.1.抛,掷,挂2.挂,悬挂n.1.悬带,挂带,腕带2.索,链,兜3.(原始的)投石器,弹弓slippern.拖鞋slitvt.切开,撕开n.狭长的口子,裂缝slogann.标语,口号,广告语slotn.1.狭缝,狭槽2.位置,空位vt.1.把……放入狭长开口中2.把……纳入其中,使有位置slumn.贫民窟slumpvi.1.大幅度下降,暴跌2.突然倒下n.萧条期,低潮slurvt.1.含糊地说出,含糊地发……的声2.侮辱,诋毁3.连唱,连奏vi.含糊地发音(或说话)n.1.玷污,诋毁2.含糊的发音slya.1.狡猾的,狡诈的2.会意的,会心的on the sly秘密地,偷偷地smackvt.1.拍,打,掴2.出声地咂嘴vi.(of)含有……意味,带有……迹象n.1.掌掴,拍,打2.掌掴声,拍击声3.出声的吻,响吻ad.1.直接地,准确地,恰好地2.猛烈地,急剧地smearn.1.污迹,污斑2.(显微镜的)涂片3.诽谤,诋毁vt.1.涂抹2.弄脏,弄污3.把……擦模糊4.诽谤,诋毁vi.被擦模糊smogn.烟雾smothervt.1.厚厚地覆盖2.掩饰,抑制,扼杀3.过多地给予4.使窒息,闷5.把(火)闷熄smugglevt.1.走私,非法私运2.偷运,偷带snackn.快餐,小吃,点心snailn.蜗牛at a snail’s pace极慢地snarlvi.1.狂吠,嗥叫2.咆哮,叫着表达vt.咆哮着说n.咆哮,怒吼
第三关疯狂朗读故事,通过句子加强记忆,会背最佳。Never Take a RiskIt had been a slaughter. In a meaningless battle in the slums where they lived, the gang leader had slit the throat of a boy he thought was too slick. Knowing the leader’s slogan to be “never take a risk”, the younger members were dissatisfied.As a small group of them smuggled his body out in the night at a snail’s pace, the redhead who spoke with a slur snarled that he was leaving the gang. The others knew it wouldn’t be easy. First they would have to slay their leader, after talking about it, they decided to smother their leader the next night as he was sleeping on the slate he called a bed.Slumping together to the ground because of the weight of the dead boy, the redhead said he wanted a snack. No one else was hungry except for the new girl who was wearing red slippers. She had been found all alone on the sly the week before. As they smacked their lips on the chocolate that was now also smeared over their faces the redhead looked slyly at her and said that with him the new leader there would be a slot for a new queen. She smiled back and said she was available as she reached down to pick up the sling they were using to carry the dead boy. That was the signal and they all grouped together to carry the boy on their backs as if they were snails.But as the smog fell on their slum in the afternoon of the next day two more bodies were found. Someone had alerted the boss and the redhead and the girl with red slippers were also dead. “Never take a risk”, the leader muttered. And everyone knew there would never be a new leader of this gang.
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