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79. He came round for a coffee and we ended up ___ a meal together.他是来喝咖啡的,到后来我们却一起吃了顿饭。
80. I wondered where the pictures would end up after the ___.我想知道那些画拍卖后的最终去处。
81. Most slimmers end up ___ weight back on.大多数减肥的人最后又发胖了。
82. Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach ___.在河里游泳的人可能会出现严重的肠胃不适。
83. He could end up ___ President.他没准儿哪天会当上总统。
84. I don’t want to end ___ like my parents.我不想到最后和我父母一样。
85. This is a story with a ___ ending.这是一个结局美满的故事。
86. Coffee is the perfect ending ___ a meal.咖啡是餐后的最佳饮品。
87. This is one of the first elections since the ending of the ___.这是独裁统治结束后的首次选举之一。
88. ___ nouns have the ending –ing. 动名词以-ing结尾。
89. The beautiful village attracts an endless ___ of visitors.美丽的乡村吸引了川流不息的游客。
90. The possibilities are ___.有无限的可能。
91. He’s been in a lot of trouble – drugs, guns, blackmail – the ___ is endless.他麻烦太多了 – 毒品、枪支、敲诈 – 说都说不完。
92. There will be an endless ___ of boring meetings this week.这个星期将有一轮没完没了的无聊会议。
93. This city is endlessly ___.这座城市充满了无穷的魅力。
94. The meet will ___ at 5.30.会议将于5点半结束。
95. ___ time does your Spanish class finish?你的西班牙语课几点结束?
96. I can’t wait for our exams to be ___.我迫不及待地希望考试快点结束。
97. The long summer ___ was almost over.漫长的暑假就快结束了。
98. The war finally ___ to an end six years later.六年后战争终于结束。
99. The problem remained as the century ___ to an end.本世纪接近尾声,这个问题依然存在。
100. I wasn’t able to finish the test before the time was ___.我还没来得及做完测验题目,时间就到了。
101. The desperate search for survivors continues, but time is ___ out.不惜一切搜寻幸存者的工作仍在继续,但是时间所剩无几。
102. I’m afraid we can’t accept this credit card – it ___ last week.恐怕我们不能接受这张信用卡 – 它上星期到期了。
103. We both knew that our marriage was ___ an end.我俩都知道我们的婚姻走到了尽头。
朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014
1 opposite 2 end 3 career 4 get 5 display 6 progress 7 sight 8 product 9 expected 10 get 11 wants 12 caught 13 far 14 cheap 15 dead 16 throwing 17 free 18 tied 19 reach 20 ends 21 into 22 on 23 double 24 find 25 mark 26 beginning 27 bring 28 ivory 29 coming 30 useful 31 indicate 32 matter 33 suffering 34 ends 35 perched 36 snapped 37 joined 38 far 39 measures 40 stood 41 laid 42 cheaper 43 spectrum 44 nuisance 45 calm 46 connection 47 at 48 undertaken 49 achieve 50 view 51 cutting 52 learning 53 justifies 54 sales 55 met 56 day 57 tortured 58 decide 59 story 60 tether 61 line 62 meet 63 cheered 64 no 65 living 66 earth 67 ended 68 spectacular 69 aimed 70 for 71 inviting 72 where 73 with 74 profits 75 days 76 chase 77 ending 78 in 79 having 80 auction 81 putting 82 upset 83 as 84 up 85 happy 86 to 87 dictatorship 88 Verbal 89 stream 90 endless 91 list 92 round 93 fascinating 94 finish 95 What 96 over 97 vacation 98 came 99 drew 100 up 101 running 102 expired 103 at
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