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somehow的意思 somehow的意思somewhat
望文生义,他的,的人somehow的意思 somehow的意思somewhat
496. wicked 熟义:adj. 邪恶的,恶劣的,缺德的
Dave used to be a wicked child when he was young. adj.淘气的,顽皮的
497. wit 熟义:n. 智力,才智
His remarks if filled with wits. n.风趣,妙语
498. wrap 熟义:n. vt 包,裹
Mind you wrap up well if you go out. n. 围巾,披肩 (你出外的话要围好围巾 )
499. yield 熟义:n. 产量,收益 v. 生产,出产
I would rather die than yield. vi. 让步,屈服,投降
500. yard 熟义:n. 院子,庭院;场院
Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain? n. 码(1码 = 3英尺 = 36英寸 ≈ 0.914米)
1. Are you satisfied of his truthfulness?
2. It was such a bad play we couldn’t see out the performance and we left early.
3. You needn’t trouble to wash the dishes. I’ll see to those.
4. The temperature is set to drop very low tonigh.
5. I can’t stand whisky.
6. We finally struck oil in the 1960s.
7. On George VI’s death, Elizabeth II succeeded.
8. When does this Minister take up his office?
9. When you are young you may be able to work long hours without ill effects; it is after you are fifty that it begins to tell.
10. It’s her mother’s fault for giving way to her too often.
11. A government office recently stated that major heart surgery was often performed even though its chances of success were low.
12. In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise.
13. In ancient Rome, when the emperor wanted to spare someone’s life, he would put his thumb up.
14. September 29 saw the opening of the Asian Games
1.你相信 2.看完 3.我来洗 4.可能 5.喜欢 6.找到 7.继位 8.上任 9.表现出来 10.向……妥协 11.公布 12.又反过来 13.赦免 14.九月二十九日亚运会开幕了。
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