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Luxury brands: 奢侈品品牌
A lot of these brands are from France or Italy: 这些品牌很多来自法国和意大利
The pronunciations taught in today’s lesson are ones that are used in the English-speaking world: 今天教的都是英语世界里这些品牌的发音
The authentic French or Italian pronunciations may be different: 真正的法语或意大利语发音可能会不一样
But we hold ourselves to high standards: 但是我们节目高标准严要求
Adam will show you how to pronounce these French luxury brands as he learned many years of French at school: Adam会教你法国大牌的读音,因为他学了好几年法语
pronunciation rules: 发音规则
fashion brands: 时尚品牌
luxury brands: 奢侈品品牌
luxurious: 奢侈的
法国是世界的时尚中心,也是不少时尚大牌的故乡, 我们先来看几个大家最熟悉的。
Louis Vuitton: 路易威登,发音是/ˈluːiː viːˈtɒn/
The s in Louis is silent: Louis里的s不发音
The French “n” is actually a nasal sound:法语里n的发音其实是一个鼻音
If you want to sound like a French person, use your nose when you say it: 如果你想听起来带点法国风情,那发这个音的时候要利用鼻腔共鸣
For most Americans, we don’t really have that kind of sound: 大多数美国人都不太会发这个鼻音
We are not so nasally: 我们平时讲话用不到鼻腔
Hermès: 爱马仕,开头的h不发音/erˈmez/
In most cases, “s” is silent in French, but the word “Hermes” is an exception: 通常法语的s不发音,但是Hermès这个词是个例外
You never pronounce the “h” in French: 法语的h不发音
The French “r” sounds like spitting: 法语的r听起来像吐痰
Chanel: 香奈儿 /ʃə’nɛl/
Gucci: 古驰, 意大利语里,C后面跟原音,基本都发tʃ的音
For those who speak English, Italian is much easier in terms of pronunciation than French: 对于会说英语的人而言,意大利语的发音比法语更容易
Salvatore Ferragamo: 萨瓦托·菲拉加慕,基本按拼写念就对了
Basically, the second half will do: 一般讲后一半就行了
Ermenegildo Zegna: 杰尼亚,发音/ˈzeniə/,注意不要发成/ˈzegna/
Likewise, people will get it if you just say “Zegna”: 同样的,你只要说zegna别人就知道在讲哪个牌子了
D&G, Dolce & Gabbana: 中文大家都说D&G, 全称念/dɔltʃei/and /gəˈbɑːnə/,注意ce的发音是tʃei
Prada: 普拉达,/prɑdə/
Miumiu: 直接按拼写发音,/mjuːmjuː/
Tod’s: 托德斯,/tɒdz/
Versace: 范思哲,/və’sɑtʃeɪ/
Givenchy: 纪梵希,/dʒɪˈvɑŋʃɪ/,不是/dʒɪˈventʃɪ/
Oh là là: 相当于法语里的wow,表赞叹,在英语里大家偶尔也会用
YSL (Yves Saint Laurent): 圣罗兰,Yves的s不发音,Laurent的t也不发音
A North American person would probably pronounce the vowel as a French vowel, but the “r” as an English “r”: 美国人会把元音按法语的来发,r按照英文的念法
Dior, BV, Cartier...
Christian Dior: 迪奥 /di'ɔr/
Armani: 阿玛尼,/ar'mʌni/
Valentino: 华伦天奴,按英语的发音规则念就差不多了,但意大利语读起来节奏不一样
Bottega Veneta (BV): 宝缇嘉 /bəu'teigə ˌ 'venəta/
Balenciaga: 巴黎世家,发音为/bɑ,lensi:'a:gə/
Lanvin: 浪凡,/ ‘lɑŋven/, 法语中的in,是英语里没有的一个发音
Céline: 赛琳,和女歌手Celine Dion的名发音一样,/sə’li:n/
Cartier: 做手表和首饰等卡地亚,/kɑː'tiːei/
Many Americans tend to say the word in a particularly American way by stressing “r”s: 很多美国人念这个词会把r卷的很厉害,听起来非常的美语
A neutral pronunciation would be the most desirable if you’re neither American nor French: 如果你不是美国人也不是法国人,读这些品牌的时候最好是用中立一点的发音
It is really hard to sound authentic if you’ve never learned French: 如果没学过法语,要一下发到位还是挺难的
But at the same time, you don’t want it to sound too Americanized because these are French brand names: 当然也不要把发音完全英语化,因为毕竟还是法国的牌子
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