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在1777年的秋季,相隔18天在萨拉托加发生的两次战役是美国独立战争的转折点。 该年9月19日,英军将领约翰·柏戈因(John Burgoyne)在对阵大陆军将领霍雷肖·盖茨(Horatio Gates)和本尼迪克特·阿诺德(Benedict Arnold)时取得了一场小小的胜利,不过他也付出了惨痛的代价。 虽然己方军力受损,柏戈因将军还是决定在10月7日进攻比迷斯高地(Bemis Heights)的大陆军,这次他遭遇了失败被迫撤退。 10天后,伯戈因将军投降。这次胜利使得法国政府正式承认大陆军,并作为盟友参战。
September 19, 1777, and October 7, 1777
The word Saratoga is shorthand for two battles that gave the coup de grace to the 1777 British invasion from Canada during the American Revolutionary War. After capturing Fort Ticonderoga with almost laughable ease, the British army, led by overconfident General John Burgoyne, crawled south at a tortoise pace, giving the rattled Americans time to regroup under Horatio Gates. To support him, General George Washington sent Benedict Arnold, his best infantry commander; Colonel Daniel Morgan and his crack regiment of Virginia riflemen; and two brigades of Continentals from the Hudson Highlands. They raised Gates’s strength to about sixty-five hundred men. Equally important was Colonel Thaddeus Kosciusko, the Polish engineer, who built excellent field fortifications on Bemis Heights overlooking the Hudson River.
萨拉托加战役是1777年美国独立战争时期,大陆军击败从加拿大进犯的英军两场战役的统称。 在轻而易举地拿下提康德罗加堡(Fort Ticonderga)后,由一位过度自信的将军―约翰·柏戈因―领导的英国军队未能趁胜追击,而是向南缓慢进军。这给了大陆军喘息之机,在霍雷肖·盖茨将军的领导下,大陆军重整旗鼓。 为了支援他,乔治·华盛顿将军把手下最出色的步兵将领本尼迪克特·阿诺德派了过去,同时驰援的还有丹尼尔·摩根(Daniel Morgan)上校率领的弗吉尼亚步枪军团和驻扎在哈德逊高地(Hudson Highlands)的两个旅。 援军的到来使得盖茨的军力达到6500人, 而同样重要的是,撒迪厄斯·科西阿斯(Thaddeus Kosciusko)上校这位出色的波兰裔工程师在比米斯高地构筑了坚固的防御工事,隔着哈德逊河与盖茨的军队形成掎角之势。
On September 19, Burgoyne attacked. The fiery Arnold prodded Gates out of his defensive mentality, winning permission to lead Morgan’s men and Henry Dearborn’s light infantry into the woods to block a British flanking column. For most of the afternoon, a furious struggle raged around and across a clearing called Freeman’s Farm; Arnold poured in fresh regiments until the jittery Gates broke off the action, leaving the battered British in possession of the ground. After fortifying his camp and waiting in vain for reinforcements from New York, Burgoyne attempted another assault on October 7. Ignoring orders from the jealous Gates to remain in his quarters, Arnold joined the fighting and led an attack that captured key strong points, forcing the British to retreat to Saratoga (modern Schuylerville). There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.
在9月19日这天,柏戈因发起了进攻。 性格急躁的阿诺德说服盖茨放弃原先的防守战略,他在得到许可后率领摩根麾下的步枪军和亨利·迪尔伯恩(Henry Dearborn)麾下的轻步兵深入丛林,从侧翼阻击英军。 当日下午,双方军队在一个名为弗里曼农庄(Freeman’s Farm)的地方激烈交战。阿诺德请求盖茨发兵支援以彻底击溃敌军,但后者却过于谨慎,不愿发兵。最后,备受打击的英军仍然占据了该地。 柏戈因固守阵地,但纽约的援军却迟迟不来,他又在10月7日发起了另一次攻击。这次,阿诺德将盖茨按兵不动的命令抛诸脑后,率军迎战柏戈因,并主动出击占领了关键要地,迫使英军撤退到萨拉托加(即今天的斯凯勒维尔)。 在那儿被民兵围困了10日后,柏戈因最终缴械投降。