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1999年8月-迄今任复旦大学生命科学学院 讲师、副教授。研究方向
1999年8月-迄今复旦大学生命科学学院 讲师、副教授
1996年9月-1999年7月清华大学生物科学与技术系 博士
1993年9月-1996年7月南京农业大学微生物系 硕士
1989年9月-1993年7月南京农业大学微生物系 本科
1)Chen HM*,Yao HM*,Huang L,Shen Q,Jia W,Xue JL,Expression of hFⅨ in murine plasma through lentiviral vector infected hematopoietic stem cells. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology,2006,33 ⑿. 1196-1201(并列第一作者)
2) He CX,Shi D,Wu WJ,Ding YF,Feng DM,Lu B,Chen HM,Yao JH,Shen Q,Lu DR,Xue JL. Insulin expression in livers of diabetic mice mediated by hydrodynamics-based administration. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2004,10⑷: 567-572.
3) Chen XG,Wang N,Yao JH,Chen HM,Shen Q,Xue JL,Gene delivery to mice spermatogenesis stem cells by Effectene (TM) reagent. Chinese Medical Journal. 2004,117 ⑷: 630-632.
4) Wang N,Chen XG,Chen L,Yao JH,Chen HM,Shen Q,Xue JL. Building of hFⅨ transgenic mice by spermatogenesis cells. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2003,48 ⒆: 2061-2063.
5) Chen L,Chen HM,Lu HZ,Wu XB,Lu DR,Qiu XF,Xue JL. Muscle injection of rAAV/mFⅨ to secrete clotting factor Ⅸ corrects the hemorrhagic tendencies in hemophilia B mice. Science in China (series c). 2003,46 ⑷: 422-430.
6) Chen L,Chen HM,Zou BY,Wu ZJ,Wu XB,Lu DR,Xue JL. Preparation of rAAV/hFⅨ by HSV/AAV hybrid helper virus and evaluation of its safety. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2003,48 ⒀: 1369-1374.
7) He CX,Feng DM,Wu WJ,Ding YF,Chen L,Chen HM,Yao JH,Shen Q,Lu DR,Xue JL. Efficient expression of human factor Ⅸ cDNA in liver mediated by hydrodynamics-based plasmid administration. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2003,48 ⑻: 790-795.
8) He CX,Miao CY,Yao JH,Chen HM,Lu DR,Su DF,Xue JL. Construction of a recombinant vector based on AAV carrying human endothelial nitric-oxide synthase gene. Acta Pharmacological Sinica. 2003,24 ⑺: 637-640.
9) Chen L,Chen HM,Li G,Lu DR,Xue JL. Novel rAAV production system with low contamination of helper virus. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2003,48 ⑸: 472-475.
10) Liu Li,Chen HM,Liu MG,Jin L,WeiY,Wu XJ,Liu YE,Zhu RY and Chai JH. Two novel mutations of the retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator gene in two Chinese families with X2 linked retinitis pigmentosa. Chinese Medical Journal 2002,115 ⑹: 833-836.
11)Chen HM,Zhou J and Dai YR. Cleavage of lamin-like proteins in in vivo and in vitro apoptosis of tobacco protoplasts induced by heat shock. FEBS Letters,2000,80 (2-3): 165-168.
12)Chen H,Yan C,Jiang X and Dai YR. Hyperthermia Induced Apoptosis and Its Inhibition by Zinc Supplementation and Withdrawal of Calcium/Magnesium in Suspension Culture of Tobacco cell. Cellular & Molecular Life Sciences,1999,55: 303-309.
13)Chen HM,Yan CH,Jiang XF and Dai YR. Apoptosis in suspension culture of tobacco cells induced by heat shock. Chinese Sciences Bulletin. 1999,44 ⑿: 1101-1106.
14) Zhou J,Chen HM,Jiang XF,Zhu HZ and Y-R Dai. Construction of a cell-free system using extracts from apoptotic plant cells. Chinese Sciences Bulletin. 1999,44: ⒃ 1494-1497.
15)Chen HM,Yan CH,Jiang XF,Xia HL,Zhu HZ,Wu Y and Dai YR. Induction of Apoptosis by Heat Shock in Suspension Culture of Tobacco Cell. Molecular Biology of the Cell,1998,9(s): 2820.
16) Shi SH,Pan MX,Lu D,Chen HM,Zhu M,Liu JY. Analysis of salicylic acid induced proteins in rice. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 1999,4 ⑶: 1520-1524.
17) Yan C H,Jiang X F,Chen H M,Dai YR. Induction of Programmed Cell Death by Menadione in Suspension Culture of Carrot Cells. Molecular Biology of the Cell,1997,8 (s): 2103.
18) Yan CH,Zhou J,Chen HM,Dai YR. Induction of Apoptosis in Protoplasts and Suspension Cultures of Plant Cells. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2000,5 ⑷: 428-431.
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