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[36] Feng Dengguo, Pei Dingyi,Xiao Guozhen, 1998,Maximum correlation analysis of non-linear combining functions,Science in China,No.1,31-36
[37] 冯登国,宁鹏,1998,S-盒的非线性准则之间的关系,通信学报,Vol.19(4), 71-75
[38] 冯登国,裴定一,肖国镇,1998,非线性组合函数的最大相关分析,中国科学E辑,Vol.41(3),1-5
[39] 冯登国,1998,关于SN-S认证系统中潜信道的实现,通信学报,No.8, 57-60
[40] Feng Dengguo, 1999,Proo f of Chabaud and Vaudenay’s Almost Bent Functions Conjecture, Journal of Electronics
[41] 冯登国,吴文玲,1999,抵抗差分分析的代替-置换网络的构造,CCICS’99
[42] 周武,卿斯汉,冯登国,立体型黑客防御机制,CCICS’99,1999
[43] 蒋建春,周武,冯登国,卿斯汉,1999,拒绝服务攻击的分析与对抗,CCICS’99
[44] Wu Wen-ling,Feng deng-guo, Qing Si-han,1999,Brief commentary on the 15 AES candidate algorithms issued by NIST of USA,Journal of software
[46] Wu Wen-ling,Li Bao,Feng Deng-guo,Qing Si-han, 1999,Linear Cryptanalysis of LOKI97, The Fifth International Conference for Young Computer Scientists ICYCS’99
[47] Wu Wen-ling,Li Bao,Feng Deng-guo,Qing Si-han,1999,Cryptanalysis of some AES candidate algorithms, The Second International Conference on Informationand Communication Security, ICICS’99,Springer-Verlag
[49] Feng Dengguo,1999,Three characterizations of the corralation-immune functions over the ring Z , Theoretical computer science